

Irgendwo im Libanon:

Hisbollah-Guy: "Hey Kofi, schießen wir morgen wieder ein paar Raketen nach Israel?"

UN-Fuzzi: "Aber immer doch!"

Was die UNO so im Libanon treibt, kann man sich bei solchen Fotos denken. Die Israelis haben allen Grund, besorgt zu sein, dass die Leute von den Vereinten Nationen wichtige Informationen an die Hisbollah weiter geben könnten:

A day after two Katyusha rockets struck Shlomi in the Galilee, defense officials raised concerns Wednesday that information they were regularly passing on to UNIFIL and the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) was also making its way to Hizbullah.

According to the officials, the IDF regularly updates UNIFIL and the LAF on its assessments concerning Hizbullah's military buildup in southern Lebanon. [...]

"This is a difficult scenario," one official in Jerusalem said. "On the one hand, we count on UNIFIL and the LAF and therefore need to update them. On the other hand, there is always a concern that the information we supply them with will fall into the wrong hands."

As a result, the IDF is constantly debating the "depth" of the information it is willing to share with UNIFIL and the LAF, out of fear that due to the Lebanese Armed Forces connection, it will find its way to Hizbullah.

Bei Human Events gibt es nebenbei einen Artikel von Walid Phares, in dem beschrieben wird, wie die Hisbollah im Libanon sich auf einen weiteren Krieg gegen Israel vorbereitet.

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