
Skandal: Juden setzen sich zur Wehr

Den Israelis wird mal wieder vorgeworfen, dass sie sich verteidige: Im noch nicht gegründeten "Palästina" ist man außer sich, weil ein israelischer Polizist den zweiten Suicide-Bomber in Dimona erschossen hat, bevor dieser sich in einem Einkaufszentrum in die Luft sprengen konnte.
"A scandal." That's how the Palestinians characterize the pictures in which policeman Kobi Mor is seen shooting a terrorist who is still alive in Dimona, minutes after his colleague blew himself up in a commercial center in the city.
The Maan News Agency reported tonight (Monday) that "The Israeli television stations broadcast pictures a number of times showing the Palestinian lying wounded on the sidewalk and an Israeli in civilian clothes shooting him after he raised his hand."

They claim that the pictures show a "human scandal. He was shot while he was wounded and seeking help, without verifying that he was one of the people carrying out the attack."

On the other hand, Mor himself had no doubt regarding the wounded man's identity and intentions. "I saw the terrorist and saw he was alive," he told. "He moved his hand and I shot at him. After the shot his hand was still moving, it looked like he tried to trigger the bomb that was on him. I took cover and and shot him in the head several more times."

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