
Ahmadinedschad auch mal unislamisch

Wer hätte gedacht, dass sich die Ayatollahs in Ghom über den iranischen Präsidenten ärgern könnten?
A decision by Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to acquire four guard dogs has upset the ayatollahs from the holy city of Qom.

The four dogs, bought in Germany at a cost of 110,000 euros each, are the topic of theological controversy because Islam considers dogs to be impure.

For this reason, the government has banned owners of domestic animals from taking them on the streets of the city, and owners risk penalties or the 'detention' of their animals in a pound.

Now that Ahmadinejad is protecting German dogs, many are asking the question: why can he have dogs while other citizens are banned?
Wind in the Wires besitzt außerdem streng geheime Informationen, aus denen hervorgeht, dass Ahmadinedschad einen seiner Hunde Mohammed nennen will.

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